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This year, EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2019 will be hosted 2-4 September 2019 in San Benedetto del Tronto by the University of Camerino, Italy.

SWEG is a forum for discussing current eGovernment research issues. The workshop is dedicated to open and creative discussions about the current status of eGovernment research and future directions...


The Institute of Digital Government, Waseda University headed by Dr. Toshio Obi, has released the results of 2018 Waseda-IAC International Digital Government ranking survey for the 14th consecutive...

This special issue, guest-edited by Prof. Albert Meijer and Prof. William Webster, is looking for papers that examine the ways in which new smart city environments are governed and the ways in which...

With 10,299 entries what used to be the EGRL (for Electronic Government Reference Library) is now the DGRL for the more commonly used term for the study domain of Digital Government Reference Library.

In a world facing serious disruptions created by AI and other technologies on education and training for the changing job market, action is needed to think about and develop new forms of education and...

This country report discusses Thailand’s digital transformation efforts with a focus on the leadership roles of its central government agencies. Thailand has progressed through various e-government...