
News & Blog

Latest news and blogs about Information Polity. If you would like to add a blogpost or have an idea for a blog series, don't hesitate to contact us.


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We hope this issue finds you and your families well and healthy. The Covid-19 global pandemic means we are entering an extraordinary unforeseen period of disruption, ill health and economic hardship.

A Special Issue on DLTs, Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain revolution, by guest editors Prof. M.P. Rodríguez Bolívar (Universidad de Granada) and Prof. H.J. Scholl (University of Washington)

The latest version of the Digital Government Reference Library has been published and adds another 1.461 academic references on digital government, -governance, and -democracy.

Academic researchers attend conferences in order to discuss their ideas and research, and to obtain valuable feedback. Conferences are the places where research communities are built and maintained –...

iacio.org/iacio2018 features all about the International Academy of CIO, its upcoming yearly conference and more

March 2019 | Amsterdam, NL - Our Editors-in-Chief welcome us to the first issue of this year.

Read Mila Gasco-Hernandez's uptake on the 52th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS52), the longest standing scientific conference in the information systems and technology field...

We are pleased to announce that Information Polity is now covered in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science).

This year, EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2019 will be hosted 2-4 September 2019 in San Benedetto del Tronto by the University of Camerino, Italy.